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Quick Facts!

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand and is a very cosmopolitan city with about a third of the people being overseas born residents, so you'll love how cosmopolitan and rich the cultural opportunities, food and cultural experiences are. From food, to fashion, to entertainment you have a multi-cultural masterpiece at your feet. Tourists can immersive themselves in Rugby Union (the city is the home of Wellington Lions), but if you only have a few hours or days, be sure not to miss a game of  RugbyUnion, the view from Mt. Victoria, Wine tours (Martinborough Winery is very highly recommended), Wellington Botanic Gardens, shopping, dining, and the world famous Lord of the Rings Tour.

Tourist advice:


Cuba Street - A famous street.

Registered under theHistoric Places Act in 1993, Cuba Street is one of the most famous and best known streets in New Zealand. Cuba Street brings together history, high fashion, cafes, bohemia, and eclectic shopping to the nation's capital. Cuba Street is a funky street where retail stores mix with cool cafes, vibrant bars and highly acclaimed restaurants. 

Tourism Information



Weta Workshop: 

Wētā Workshop is your gateway to filmmaking creativity. Take a guided tours to learn about the making of movie effects; from armour to weapons, creatures to costumes, make-up to miniatures, and more! Get up close to fantastical physical effects and authentic props. Test your guide's knowledge. Immerse yourself in our incredible small-group tours and discover how imaginary worlds (such as Lord of the Rings realms), are brought to life.

Website: Weta Workshop